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Floral Decoration Committee

Mission Statement:

The Vision of this Committee states that through decorating it reflects God's beauty and creates a pleasant worship environment , it lifts the worshipers' spirits and directs their hearts toward God, and it makes the church warm, welcoming, and an inviting place for everyone.



Floral decorating of the church was probably always done since St. Joseph Church was built in 1907. It might have been done by one or two people. When weddings took place flower bouquets were probably left in the church.

The Church Floral Decoration Committee was formally organized in 2010.

Before this time, floral decoration was done by Mrs. Rose Mueller and Mrs. Annie Aguilar beginning in 1987. Mrs. Aguilar primarily devised the bouquets. Both made liturgically correct colored wreaths.

Both were active as decorators until Father Robert Weizinger asked Mrs. Men to continue the decorating duties. Mrs. Men was the first non-Alter and Rosary Society person to decorate. She did this for a short time no more than 1 and one-half years. Father Wenzinger asked Mrs. Mueller to take over the decorating duties once again. Mrs. Mueller continues until 2009. She did have the assistance of Mrs. Sylvia Felix. Mrs. Felix sought out assistance from members of the Altar and Rosary Society, Confirmation  students , and members of other service organizations especially during Christmas and Easter.

When Mrs. Mueller was not available to decorate, Mrs. Felix continued with the assistance of Mrs. Sissy Sandoval for two years from 2000 to 2002. After that Mrs. Felix would ask her older sister Lisa, other relatives, Mrs. Lira, Mrs. Dora Cornejo (2007) to help her arrange flowers. Mrs. Cornejo had a wide variety of flower arranging experience. Notices were written in the bulletin for assistance as well.

It was in 2010 that Mrs. Maria Rangel-Board became Mrs. Sylvia Felix flower assistant and administrative assistant. Together they started the Floral Decoration Committee. Mrs. Rangel-Board had asked Father Miguel Flores in what capacity she could be of help and he directed her to Mrs. Felix. Mrs. Rangel devised and wrote the Vision Statement, the Officer Ranks and their duties, and agendas for meetings. New members were recruited. Mrs. Anna Solis and Mrs. Yolanda Avalos.

The Committee has had as many as  11 members and currently, as of June 2016, has nine active members and many volunteers who have assisted at Christmas and Easter.

The Committee began to meet in Room 7 in 2010. Then the Committee moved its inventory of artificial flowers, vases, and accessories to its own room in Pat's House. Meetings were held in the conference/living room area. The conference/living room and storage room were used to make the floral bouquets , wreaths, or garlands.

In the Spring of 2015 Pastor Miguel Flores and office staff informed us that the house was going to be converted into a large meeting room. Fathers Flores authorized the building of a floral room into which our Committee could move its inventory. In the patio area of the converted apartments offices the floral room was built and completed with its own air conditioning/heating unit.

The Committee requested one of its members to build a large work table with electrical receptacles; two tables to store the small flowers; remove, move, and install a six door cabinet for storage of tools, accessories and kitchen accessories.


Fundraising and Dues:

The Floral Decorating Committee has never asked for dues. Monies to defray the costs of artificial flowers and supplies come primarily via the envelope system. in the monthly envelopes that parishioners receive there are 12 envelopes into which an offering may be made. The second way is the monies collected and credited to the Committee from the Parish Festivals. A third way is through donation of flowers either artificial or real that are given at Christmas , Easter, or as needed in memory of a family member.



The Floral Decoration Committee started in 2010 with 4 people  Sylvia Felix, Mentor, Maria Rangel-Board, Anna Solis, and Yolanda Avalos. Between 2011 and 2014 these people were members: Alex Flores, Shirley Smith, Patricia Ramos, Patty and Ruthie Zarate, and Sylvia Sanchez.

June 2016

Active members are: Yolanda Avalos, Guadalupe Duarte, Cecilia Contreras Estrada, Marcia Eyherabide, Kathy Dunford Guilford, Jessica Melendez, Anna Solis, Danny Soto, Tony Ybarra.

Many people have helped at Christmas and/or Easter since 2012 or have been former Active Committee memebrs.

Mr. Hector Zepeda , Mr. Fidel Sanchez (built the tables used to  display the Christmas Creche figuringes), Mr. Pedro Gonzalez (loans the Church Sago and Queen palms fo ruse at Palm Sunday), Mrs. Guillermina Aceves, Mrs. Hilda Amayo, Mr. Robert Avalos, Ms. Leticia Benitez, Ms. Kimberly Castaneda, Mrs. Dora Contreras, Mr. Vincent Eguao, Mrs. Juliette Eguao, Mrs. Gloria Enriquez, Mrs. Sylvia Felix, Rev.Miguel Flores, Mr. Paul Flores, Mrs. Angelina Flores-Moreno, Mrs. Sylvia Galaviz, Mrs. Maria Garcia, Mr. Frank Hill, Mr. Richard Johnson, Mrs. Reina Krizo, Mr. Justin Krizo, Mrs. Irma LaPan, Mrs. Anna Luevano, Mr. Roy Luevano, Ms. Maria Marquez, Ms. Herlinda Mendez, Mrs. Stephanie Munoz-Flores, Mr. David Parra, Mrs. Michelle Parra, Mr. Frank Ramirez, Mrs. Jenny Ramirez, Ms.Patricia Ramos, Mrs. Maria Rangel-Board, Ms. Maribel Reyes, Ms. Debbie Ritorto, Mrs. Rosemary Ryan (donation of material, banners, and flowers), Mrs. Lula Sanchez, Mrs. Lupe Sanchez, Mrs. Sylvia Sanchez, Mr. Daniel Sierra, Mrs. Sarah Sierra, Mrs. Shirley Smith, Ms. Lesley Teasley, Mr. Marc Torres, Mrs. Angela Torres, Ms. Marisela Verde-Hernandez and daughter, Mrs. Gloria Vass, Ms. Patty Zarate, Ms. Ruthie Zarate, Mr. Tony Aguirre, Mr. Robert Enriquez, Ms. Sylvia Zardenata, Ms. Mary Cordero, Ms. Cassi Valladares, Ms. Carol Mendiara, and Josh and Sonya.


The Floral Decoration Committee meets the first Wednesday evening of the month from 6:30-8:30p.m. from September through June in the Floral room. Special meetings are called as needed. Sometimes the meetings are working meetings meaning that a project is planned.

The agenda of a typical meeting includes: Opening Prayer, Snack, conduction of Meeting, Closing Prayer.

Current Coordinator/ Past President

                Marcia Eyherabide, Coordinator, June 2011 to present

                                Assistant Coordinator- Anna Solis

                                Co-Assistant- Jessica Melendez

                                Co-Floral Designers- Yolanda Avalos, Cecilia Contreras and Anna Solis

                                Floral Assistants- Lupe Duarte, Danny Soto, and Tony Ybarra

                                Mentor- Sylvia Felix, June 2011-2013

                Maria Rangel- Board, President 2010-2011

                Sylvia Felix- Mentor


                A Committee member will usually volunteer to design and make two large bouquets for the Church Sanctuary pedestals (one on each side of the Alter of Repose) and two small bouquets for the pedestals in the Chapel ( one on each side of the Tabernacle). Sometimes a second person makes the Chapel bouquets and/or two small bouquets for the two pedestals in the Vestibule (Entrance into the church).

                Decorating for Christmas and Easter entails much more planning and time to decorate. All the members of the Committee as well as volunteers are needed for at least two to three-day period.

                The colors selected for the bouquets coincide with the Liturgical colors: Advent time (purple), Christmas time (white and red), Ordinary time (any color that coincides with the calendar season), Lent (no flowers but use of violet or purple in using tree branches), Holy Week of Palm Sunday (red) and Holy Thursday, Holy Saturday and Easter (white).

                Periodically, the Pastor does ask the Committee to use real flowers for a special occasion such as the Feast of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe or Confirmation.

                In the Chapel there is a bulletin board. Mrs. Kathy Guilford took on this duty to change the message on the board as the liturgical seasons or holy days change.

                Expenses for these times are reimbursed as long as original receipts are turned in to the bookkeeper.

Floral Decoration Committee: Service
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